Thursday, May 17, 2007

Having the Umbilical Right

Thanks, everybody who is trying to defend Maria José Carrascosa, after she has suffered through years of spousal abuse, of involuntarly ingested pesticides having claimed some of her organs and rendered her sterile, after having been harrassed by some goons who repeatedly broke into her home....after having to seek medical assistance in Spain because the "good father" had cancelled hers and the minor's health insurance....after having had a brilliant career and life violently interrupted by white (and not so white) trash, we are standing by her, our numbers are growing by the day, more and more people are offering their assistance, time, efforts, and support, because we all know that MOTHERHOOD IS BEYOND BORDERS, ....a fact that is recognized by those of us who want fairness served, and who want the best for Victoria Innes Carrascosa, which is to be reunited with her mother.


  1. Maria José,

    Me siento tan impotente de leer su caso, ver cómo existen seres humanos con la capacidad de destrucción como su ex-esposo, quien debiera ponerse a pensar en el daño que le está causando a su propia hija, con tenerla a usted en prisión. Yo también soy madre, y la apoyo y admiro en la firme decisión que ha tomado de entregar su libertad a cambio de que su hija esté segura con sus abuelitos en España. Tenga la plena seguridad que el sufrimiento que usted está padeciendo en estos momentos difíciles, tendrá su recompensa. No desmaye. Mis más sinceros respetos por su entereza, que muchas mujeres quisieran tener.

  2. Aquí TODA la verdad, "las palabras hablan por SÍ solas" TESTIGOS

    Observen las conclusiones TRAS ESCUCHAR LAS GRABACIONES

    Victoria Carrascosa
    (Española y Buena Gente)


    Here ALL the truth, " the words speak for THEMSELF": WITHNESSES


    Victoria Carrascosa
    (Spanish and Good People)
