Friday, June 1, 2007

Rice dice que dedicará una atención especial al caso de Carrascosa

La secretaria de Estado norteamericana, Condoleezza Rice, aseguró que prestará una atención especial al caso de María José Carrascosa, la abogada valenciana encarcelada en Estados Unidos acusada de desacato y de haber secuestrado a su hija, en la medida que le sea posible ya que se trata de un asunto que está en manos de la justicia. Durante la entrevista que mantuvieron en Madrid, Rice y el ministro de Asuntos Exteriores, Miguel Ángel Moratinos, éste solicitó a la representante del Gobierno estadounidense que dedicara un interés especial al caso de la letrada valenciana María José Carrascosa, detenida en una prisión de Nueva Jersey acusada de desacato y de haber secuestrado a su hija.

La secretaria de Estado respondió que así lo hará en la medida que le sea posible, ya que se trata de un asunto que está en manos de la justicia, señalaron las mismas fuentes. La corte federal del Estado de Nueva Jersey decidió el pasado 15 de mayo desestimar nuevamente la puesta en libertad de Carrascosa, que lleva más de cinco meses en prisión sin que pese una condena sobre ella y propuso buscar un mediador para resolver el caso, que finalmente será el juez Baltasar Garzón.La defensa de Carrascosa pretende que Estados Unidos, por aplicación del Convenio de la Haya, reconozca la validez de las sentencias españolas, basándose en que en un tema como éste siempre es preferente la jurisdicción del país donde se encuentra la menor, es decir, España, y que este país resolvió primero que Estados Unidos sobre el citado caso.Sin embargo, el padre de la niña sostiene que el mismo convenio establece la "pronta recuperación" del menor al Estado donde residía "habitualmente", esto es, Estados Unidos.Carrascosa está acusada de desacato después de que el juez Edward Torack, del condado de Bergen (Nueva Jersey), no reconociera las sentencias españolas que conceden la custodia de la menor a la madre, se la concediera al padre y ordenara a María José regresar a Estados Unidos para entregar a su hija. Sin embargo, la niña tiene prohibido salir de España por otras sentencias españolas.


  1. Please sign my petition and pass it on. This situation has been going
    on for almost 8 years and it is time for the truth to come out.



    Artificial Insemination used for Immigration & Paternity Fraud and the
    complete removal of this child's rights to a father.

    Baby X has been stripped of his rights to have a father, by the State
    of New Jersey and Bergen County Courts, by a malicious plot involving
    NJ Bergen County Family Court and the corrupt Judge Edward Torack, Dr.
    Tanmoy Mukherjee, of the Mount Sinai Hospital/Reproductive Medical
    Center of New York.

    Baby X is a victim of a sinister plot by the ruling class to destroy
    Black Families and Men using the false flag of Child Support system
    and Women's Rights. Baby X was created during unauthorized artificial
    insemination by Dr. Mukherjee and a Black Woman facing deportation for
    defrauding a university in New York City. In order to avoid
    deportation, Dr. Mukherjee and The Mother of Baby X conspired together
    to take and illegally use the semen of a Black Male US Citizen in
    order to perform an artificial insemination, and create an anchor
    baby. They also conspired to victimize the said Black Male with the
    responsibility of Child Support without his consent to an IVF.

    During hearings at NJ Bergen County Family Court, Baby X's Father was
    able to present a copy of Baby X's Mother's immigration records (which
    should a history of immigration fraud conducted by Baby X's Mother)
    and get Baby X's Mother to admit, under questioning, that she had the
    child via Unauthorized Medical Experiment/IVF.

    Immediately after clear evidence was presented in the court, that Baby
    X was created by an via Unauthorized Medical Experiment/IVF for the
    purposes Immigration Fraud, the Father was completely banned from all
    courts and all judges - by the corrupt Judge Edward Torack of NJ
    Bergen County Family Court.

    The court ban against the Father to Baby X includes the denial of the
    following rights:

    1) Ban against a "Request for a DNA test of all parties"
    2) Access to appeal & any other judges/courts
    3) Ban against visitation between Baby X and Father X.
    4) Any modifications to Child Support, including a decrease in income
    of Father X
    5) Any ruling on evidence pertaining to immigration and paternity
    fraud in the case.

    The end result is to totally strip Father X from any rights to the
    child except to shut up and pay. He did not have a right to say when
    where and how to have a baby, and he did not have a right to have any
    representation in court. And therefore the State of New Jersey has
    stripped Baby X's right to have a Father!

  2. Aquí TODA la verdad, "las palabras hablan por SÍ solas" TESTIGOS

    Observen las conclusiones TRAS ESCUCHAR LAS GRABACIONES

    Victoria Carrascosa
    (Española y Buena Gente)


    Here ALL the truth, " the words speak for THEMSELF": WITHNESSES


    Victoria Carrascosa
    (Spanish and Good People)
