Sunday, April 29, 2007

Timeline of Her Story

The police was knocking at the door. Maria José Carrascosa was on the phone with her mother, pleading for help in a low voice at the time of her arrest. Her mother recalls: " I have never heard a more heart-wrenching cry"
1998 - The attorney from Valencia got married, very much in love and full of enthusiasm; unaware of the future that laid ahead of her.

May 2004: Her ex-spouse moved out of the shared home.

October 2004: The separated spouses agreed that the father can have visitations of the child on alternate weekends. He was already in agreement that the child should reside with the mother. He does not make use of his visitation rights, and neither does he provide financial support to the child's upkeep and education.

December 2004: Petition for annulment of matrimony in Spain, where the wedding took place.
January 2005: The child, Victoria, travels to Spain, accompanying the mother, who must travel to attend a court hearing on the annulment.

March 2005: Maria José renews her passport and the Passport Agency informs her that she appears on a delinquency list since April of 2004, a month prior to her ex-spouse's departure from the family home; apparently using any travel of the child to Spain to denounce the mother of child abduction.

April 2005: Maria José's illness takes a turn for the worse. A benign tumor is detected in her pancreas. Her spleen and two thirds of her pancreas are removed. Prior to that event, she had been receiving thyroid treatment. In October of that same year, she undergoes further treatment at the Quiron Clinic in Valencia. She is placed under special desintoxification treatment, since the forensic results show that her condition was provoked by ingesting pesticidal substances. This results are denounced in the Courts in Valencia.

July 2005: Her ex-spouse travels to Spain to submit a complaint against her and return to the USA with his daughter. The 9th Circuit Court of Valencia decides: THAT THE CHILD WILL NOT BE HANDED OVER, and that the mother, Maria José, continues to have full custody of the minor, as he himself had previously conceded. He will be allowed visitations on alternate weekends, while the mother is granted the choice of residence. The Carrascosa family therefore states that there is no abduction involved, reminding further that the child has double citizenship and has lived more in Spain than in the USA, having been registered as permanent resident of Valencia, along with her mother.

January 2006: The ex-spouse of Maria José appeals the sencence - and once more the Circuit Court of Valencia decides again in favor of the mother.

September 2006: Maria José travels to the USA to prove these court decisions to the American authorities, without subjecting herself to their jurisdiction. The Judge confiscates her passport and orders the return of the minor child. She is unable to comply since the Court in Valencia holds the minor's passports until Victoria reaches adulthood (18 years).
November 2006: Maria José is sent to jail and accused of disobedience and abduction of a minor.

February and March 2007: Maria Jose awaits sentencing by a Court who wants to send her to prison indefinitely. The Regional Government of Valencia is giving full assistance to the Carrascosa family, the Spanish Government reminds the USA that they are members of the The Hague Convention, but all to no avail - the sentencing procedure continues.

What should all other members of this The Hague Convention think? The ex-spouse has now created AN INTERNATIONAL CONFLICT.
What will be the fate of this Buñolera, Valenciana, and Spaniard?
And what of the child who wants to be with her mother?

Cronologia de su historia

La Policía golpeaba la puerta. María José Carrascosa pedía auxilio a su madre por teléfono y en voz baja en el momento de su detención. Ésta recuerda: Nunca he oído un llanto tan desgarrador !

- La abogada Valenciana se casó en 1998 ilusionada y enamorada, desconociendo el futuro que le esperaba.

Mayo 2004: Su ex-compañero abandonó el hogar familiar.

Octubre 2004: La ex-pareja acuerdan que el padre puede ver a la niña en los fines de semana alternos. Por lo que ya estuvo de acuerdo su ex-compañero que la niña estaría con la madre. No la visita el tiempo que le correspondía ni pasa nada de dinero para la manutención ni para la educación de su hija.

Diciembre 2004: Interposición de Demandas de Nulidad Matrimonial en España, donde se casaron.

Enero 2005: La pequeña Victoria viene a España, aprovechando una nueva visita de su madre para ratificar en los juzgados su demanda de nulidad.

Marzo 2005: Mª José va a renovar su pasaporte y la Policía le advierte de que aparece en un listado como delincuente desde abril de 2004, un mes antes de que su ex-compañero abandonase el hogar, esperando cualquier viaje de la pequeña a España para denunciar a la madre de secuestro.

Abril 2005: Se agrava la enfermedad de Mª José. Le detectan un tumor benigno en el páncreas. Le extirpan el bazo y parte de páncreas. Anteriormente ya le habían tratado de tiroides. En octubre de ese mismo año le vuelven a intervenir en la clínica Quirón de Valencia. Le ponen en tratamiento de desintoxicación porque los análisis e informes forenses determinan que su situación ha sido provocada por la Ingesta de Sustancias como Pesticidas. Hecho denunciado en los juzgados de Valencia.

Julio 2005: Su ex-compañero viene a España a denunciar y llevarse a la pequeña. El Juzgado Nº 9 de Valencia sentencia NO HA LUGAR LA RESTITUCIÓN DE LA MENOR, por lo que la custodia de la niña la sigue teniendo Mª José, como reconoció él mismo en la vista. Sólo puede visitarla en fines de semana alternos y la madre podía elegir su lugar de residencia. La familia Carrascosa asegura que por lo tanto que no cabe decir que hay secuestro, no olvidemos que la pequeña Victoria tiene la doble nacionalidad, y ha pasado más tiempo en España que en EEUU, estando empadronada en el Ayuntamiento de Valencia como la ex-pareja.

Enero 2006: Esta sentencia no gustó a su ex-compañero y apeló. La Audiencia Provincial de Valencia volvió a ratificarse con la misma sentencia.

Septiembre 2006: Mª José viaja a EEUU para demostrar todo esto ante las autoriadades norteamericanas sin someterse a dicha jurisdicción, el juez le quita el pasaporte y le obliga a entregar a la menor. No puede hacerlo porque los pasaportes de su hija los tienen las autoridades españolas hasta que ésta cumpla 18 años. Noviembre 2006: Mª José es encarcelada y acusada de Desacato a la Autoridad y Secuestro.

Febrero y Marzo 2007: Mª José será juzgada por estas acusaciones por un jurado popular que quiere condenarla INDEFINIDAMENTE a prisión. El Gobierno Valenciano está ayudando mucho a la familia Carrascosa, Gobierno Central lo intenta recordando a EEUU que son Miembros de la Convención de la Haya como varios países más, pero es inútil siguen queriendo condenarla. Qué pueden pensar los demás países miembros de éste convenio. El ex-compañero ha creado UN CONFLICTO INTERNACIONAL.

Qué pasará con la suerte de esta Buñolera, Valenciana y Española …!!
Y de la pequeña que quiere estar con su madre.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

One Grieving Father's Post....

Mr. José Carrascosa Cusi, father of Maria José Carrascosa Peñalver, of Spanish nationality, who has been detained in the Bergen County jail, in the state of New Jersey (USA) since November 22, 2006, herewith states the following respective his daughter and her ex-spouse:

That Maria Jose Carrascosa was in the past had been physically abused by her ex-spouse PETER WILLIAM INNES, and had been granted a special status “PRIMA FACIE” offered to all victims of domestic violence in the USA.

That on November 23, 2007, Mr. Innes sent an email to Maria José’s family and friends, absolving himself from any blame on her present condition since her arrest the previous day. The following is a transcript of the Dec. 8, 2006 email response to Mr. Innes from the Carrascosa family:

In response to your last email, which cannot remain unanswered due to the affirmations you express, I would like to convey to you the general sentiment of this family and our legal representation:

Regarding your statement that you have done “nothing wrong” and that you are not responsible for Maria José’s problems, I would like to remind you that her being in jail is a direct consequence of your petition of divorce you filed in the US, when the marriage had already had received an ecclesiastical annulment under Spanish jurisdiction, which also decided on the custody of the minor child with the mother, and the location of her residence (none other than Spain).

What you need to do at this point is accept that you lost all lawsuits under Spanish jurisdiction, and not have the cowardice to hide under the skirts of the US courts to seek a different outcome of that already sentenced. You are therefore RESPONSIBLE for the loss of freedom Maria José is now experiencing, and you are RESPONSIBLE for her failing health and what may be a consequence thereof. We will inform your DAUGHTER Victoria of this, and she will know throughout her life the extent of her father’s morality and how much (or little) he loves her.

When you say you will not give up your will to get VICTORIA back to New Jersey, and that, only by handing her to you will we be able to talk “like normal people” you not only are threatening us (a fact that will be handled to the Courts), but you are also fooling yourself, since it was you who signed a document stating that Victoria could reside with her mother, wherever the latter one may be. It was you who later initiated a claim to invalidate that same statement before the Courts in Valencia – and lost. Who later appealed, and lost again. It is further a false statement you issued that Maria José agreed to live in New Jersey with the daughter, and that she violated US Laws when she took the child to Spain.

It would be good if you reviewed all the past facts that cannot be changed and substituted with fantasy. I want to make very clear the fact that we are firm in our chosen path and that we will never take the child to the USA before her 18th birthday.

If you so much love your daughter, what you need to do is allow her to have a mother – since she already lost her father when he left the family home back in May of 2004, leaving mother and child without any economic support or stability for the future. In any event, your false sentiment of fatherhood can easily be remedied: Giving sufficient notice, you can always come to Spain and visit the child whenever you wish.

Though the email was directed at Peter Innes, it could also have been directed at any of his other aliases: William Peters, Frederick L. Smith, or Lewis Negro.

José Carrascosa Cusi

Monday, April 23, 2007

April 23, 2007

Me encuentro en New Jersey, como Maria Jose, y me enteré de su caso cuando estuve visitando a mis padres en España en enero. Leí más sobre ella y durante el vuelo de regreso a EEUU y, nuevamente en el periódico local. Es ahi cuando me comunique con su familia para ofrecer mi ayuda a ellos y a ella.

Se encuentra bastante frágil de salud, pero su espiritu sigue firme. Le comento a diario lo que ha sucedido, le leo comentarios y articulos. Ella sigue convencida que hizo lo correcto, protegiendo a su hija del hombre que quiso asesinarlas a las dos. Cree el la justicia, cree en la verdad, cree en preocupa por su hija,sus padres, por su hermana Victoria...para pasar el tiempo lee todo lo que encuentra: la Santa biblia se la ha repasado dos veces y hoy me cuenta que ha comenzado con el Koran....

No me permiten enviarle nada, solo depositarle dinero en la cuenta para que ellos le vendan necesidades como papel, sellos, fruta, sopa, cereal a precios sobreinflados.

El otro dia necesitaba sellos para enviar una carta a sus abogados y los "compro" con cinco sopas....

La han transferido al segmento de alto riesgo, ahi esta con asesinas y mujeres que han cometido delitos violentos...ahi esta, como un duende entre arboles gigantes..."castigada", pues no ha sido sentenciada...el juez lo llama coercion para convenzerle a traer a la menor a EEUU...dice que antes se muere.

Toquen todos los tambores, por favor...Su hermama Victoria está organizando una demonstración en Madrid para el dia 5 de Mayo, delante de la embajada de importante que vayan cuantos más mejor...No debemos darle la espalda, es una oportunidad que la vida nos ofrece para hacer lo "correcto", aunque no sea lo "comodo"....

A veces creo que me falta el aliento con todo lo que está sucediendo y aún hay que hacer, pero pienso en ella y ya no puedo dormir en la cama, sabiendo que una mujer fragil e inocente se encuentra durmiendo sobre una tabla de hierro con los riñones hinchados por que no le proporcionan los medicamentos adecuados.


Friday, April 20, 2007

Letter from Maria José

Feb. 28th, 2007
From Bergen County Jail

I take this opportunity given to me by US mass media to thank, on my own name and my family’s name (daughter, parents, and sister), to my country’s Central and Valencian Governments, to my country fellow citizens and rest of European Union citizens and world wide people who have been of support to my family and I in these very difficult time.

On special, I like this opportunity to thank the Mayor of Valencia, Doña Rita Barberá; the President of the Valencian Government, Don Francisco Camps; the leader of the Opposition Party, Don Mariano Rajoy; the former President of Spain, Don José Maria Aznar; the President of Spain, Don Rodriguez Zapatero, and especially the assigned government delegation sent from Spain’s and Valencia’s Government (to all parties with political representation in Spain), and my attorney colleagues for their human value, moral support, and unconditional juridical and legal support of incalculable worth…thank you for coming to fight for my cause.

Above all, I want to publicly thank you all for the example that, in the name of our adored Spain, you have all given, to toe world and all members of The Hague Convention, of democratic maturity and consolidation, capable of leaving political ideologies aside in defense of Justice, the International Legal Frame, the Spirits of The Hague Convention of 1980 and its honorable article 13b, and in defense of the eradication of any and all shorts of violence and discrimination against women and minor children.

Spain, I am very proud to say, has given to the world, once again, a juridical example of maturity and solidarity.

Motherhood does not know nationalities and it is, as much as life, privacy, and freedom of speech, a fundamental and inalienable right that must be protected, respected, and made to be respected by each and all Countries in the world (from the USA to Afghanistan).

· I pray my suffering serves to achieve justice for my child, rest of my family, and for myself, and for my misfortune not to ever happen again to any other woman and her children.
· I pray my case serves to achieve the making of new International Conventions of direct, immediate, and effective applications and execution in matters of Judicial Assistance and Cooperation, in a punctual and effective fashion in concordance with present technology; and to open lines of communication among Judges internationally, aside from County borders, to guarantee Justice and eradication of procedural Frauds, Corruption, and for Abuse of Process by “Fame Hungry” attorneys and/or Judges, and to prevent Forum shopping, and re-litigating already resolved matters.
· I pray that my case makes a difference and that matters of international custody are known by Judges specialized in the subject, within a facultative, and at the same time limitative, legal frame always in observance of Favor Filii and eradication of violence and abuse against women; Matters of International Custody should be reserved exclusively to Federal Judges experts in Diversity and International Law; and for such effects and truly pray, hope and will fight to the end, so that my case achieves a legal Reform (notification) and the passing of New Laws by Congress in the Legal Frame of the United States and its integrating territories in favor filii and international treaties.

I humbly thank the Authorities in Washington, DC, who have shown concern and sincere interest in my case, and to the US Consular and Embassy Agencies in Spain. Both the Consulate in Valencia and Embassy in Madrid Mandatories are wonderful people and carry the US Flag in a manner all American people should be very proud of.

Once again, thank you all for your support, through these painful experiences and difficult times, from my family and I.

Now, I do pray to God to allow me to reunite with my daughter, parents, sister, and rest of my loved ones and to help me reach the President of the US; US Attorney of the District of Newark, Senator Menendez, and the Governor of New Jersey do guarantee Justice is served, against those who attempted against my life and the life of my children, and who ensured the loss of a child and my suffering of irreparable and severe bodily injury, damages, and chronic health damages for the rest of my days, and that they are all taken before the competent jurisdictional Tribunals to face their due criminal and civil responsibilities and liabilities in the name of Justice and International Legal Order.

Victoria Solenne: Mommy loves you dearly and cannot wait to see you.

Papá, Mamá y Vivi: Os quiero!

May the Lord God bless the USA and Spain and all their Mandatories!
May the Lord bless the freedom of speech and the Laws that make it possible to recuse Judges in breach of Law. I continue to be free and on the side of the Law.

A proud Spaniard Mother, who loves the United States: Thank you all!!

(signed) Maria José Carrascosa, J.D.