Wednesday, April 25, 2007

One Grieving Father's Post....

Mr. José Carrascosa Cusi, father of Maria José Carrascosa Peñalver, of Spanish nationality, who has been detained in the Bergen County jail, in the state of New Jersey (USA) since November 22, 2006, herewith states the following respective his daughter and her ex-spouse:

That Maria Jose Carrascosa was in the past had been physically abused by her ex-spouse PETER WILLIAM INNES, and had been granted a special status “PRIMA FACIE” offered to all victims of domestic violence in the USA.

That on November 23, 2007, Mr. Innes sent an email to Maria José’s family and friends, absolving himself from any blame on her present condition since her arrest the previous day. The following is a transcript of the Dec. 8, 2006 email response to Mr. Innes from the Carrascosa family:

In response to your last email, which cannot remain unanswered due to the affirmations you express, I would like to convey to you the general sentiment of this family and our legal representation:

Regarding your statement that you have done “nothing wrong” and that you are not responsible for Maria José’s problems, I would like to remind you that her being in jail is a direct consequence of your petition of divorce you filed in the US, when the marriage had already had received an ecclesiastical annulment under Spanish jurisdiction, which also decided on the custody of the minor child with the mother, and the location of her residence (none other than Spain).

What you need to do at this point is accept that you lost all lawsuits under Spanish jurisdiction, and not have the cowardice to hide under the skirts of the US courts to seek a different outcome of that already sentenced. You are therefore RESPONSIBLE for the loss of freedom Maria José is now experiencing, and you are RESPONSIBLE for her failing health and what may be a consequence thereof. We will inform your DAUGHTER Victoria of this, and she will know throughout her life the extent of her father’s morality and how much (or little) he loves her.

When you say you will not give up your will to get VICTORIA back to New Jersey, and that, only by handing her to you will we be able to talk “like normal people” you not only are threatening us (a fact that will be handled to the Courts), but you are also fooling yourself, since it was you who signed a document stating that Victoria could reside with her mother, wherever the latter one may be. It was you who later initiated a claim to invalidate that same statement before the Courts in Valencia – and lost. Who later appealed, and lost again. It is further a false statement you issued that Maria José agreed to live in New Jersey with the daughter, and that she violated US Laws when she took the child to Spain.

It would be good if you reviewed all the past facts that cannot be changed and substituted with fantasy. I want to make very clear the fact that we are firm in our chosen path and that we will never take the child to the USA before her 18th birthday.

If you so much love your daughter, what you need to do is allow her to have a mother – since she already lost her father when he left the family home back in May of 2004, leaving mother and child without any economic support or stability for the future. In any event, your false sentiment of fatherhood can easily be remedied: Giving sufficient notice, you can always come to Spain and visit the child whenever you wish.

Though the email was directed at Peter Innes, it could also have been directed at any of his other aliases: William Peters, Frederick L. Smith, or Lewis Negro.

José Carrascosa Cusi


  1. Aquí TODA la verdad, "las palabras hablan por SÍ solas" TESTIGOS

    Observen las conclusiones TRAS ESCUCHAR LAS GRABACIONES

    Victoria Carrascosa
    (Española y Buena Gente)


    Here ALL the truth, " the words speak for THEMSELF": WITHNESSES


    Victoria Carrascosa
    (Spanish and Good People)

  2. buenos dias maria victoria!me llamo maria y vivo en atenas .la semana pasada lei el caso de tu hermana y me enfade muchicimo con lo que paso.como podemos ayudar?mi email es
    porfavor si veras mi comentario comunica conmigo

    espero pronto tus noticias

    un fuerte abrazo para maria y a ti y a toda la familia

